Thursday, October 22, 2015

Begin Agian

New beginnings are fun, exciting, and scary... Recently I started at  new school. Not only a new school but high school. Half the people I talked to said it would be great, but others said it would be terrible. Instead of listening to either set of people, I decided to make of it what I would.

Honestly, the scariest thing of high school for me was meeting new people. I am a very introverted person, but I have found a few good people I mesh with. Which in my opinion is a lot better than a big clique.

But I'm hoping that the new AOA will be as amazing as my new school has been.

I'll write you guys tomorrow.

xx Ans Marie

Friday, October 16, 2015

I Can't Motivate Myself

New YouTube Video
Recently, I've been struggling with motivation. Every time I want to do something like film a video or even get out of bed, I find myself struggling. This is of course very bad for YouTube and school and life and general.

Three Tips to Motivate Yourself

  1. Make sure you enjoy what you are doing - even if you hate what you have to do pretend it's something fun or give yourself a little reward afterwards.
  2. Get enough sleep - seems simple enough, but most humans get less than sufficient amounts of sleep. However we trudge on. Sleep gives your body (and your mind) time to replenish so catch some z's.
  3. Believe in yourself - as cliche as it sounds knowing you can do something and do it well does wonders for your motivation.

Hopefully these tips helped you out some or were relatable. Now go and seize the rest of your day and do something you enjoy!

xx Ans Marie

Last week's video:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Welcome to My Blog | Ans Marie

Hello and welcome to my blog.
So recently I decided to write a little blog post to go along with my weekly videos on YouTube. I post videos every Friday (and therefore I will post blog entries on Fridays). The blog posts that go up will most likely have to do with the video topic, and have a link to said video. I am hoping that this gives me more motivation to actually edit my videos...
Also I will be writing about things I can't fit into a Youtube video.
I'll see you guys on my channel tomorrow and I'll also write to you tomorrow.

P.S. I also post videos on a collab channel, but I won't be blogging about those topics. Also I will post longer entries when I can't upload on my channel.